Salient Communication | Writing tools and skills for business professionals
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What customers are saying about our business writing programs


Among our client companies:

About Email Excellence®

I thought I knew how to organize e-mails well, but this really took me to the next level...  The creator does a great job narrating and ensuring that the material is not patronizing. I will incorporate all of the Subject line recommendations.

— MBA student
The Wharton School

Brian WerneburgThe most valuable thing in the program is its reader-centric philosophy, plus the concrete tools for implementing that philosophy. Also, the humor is definitely a plus—the narrator made it easy for me to laugh off my past mistakes, vow never to repeat them, and move forward with a "reader-centric" approach.

— Brian Werneburg
Senior Clinical Scientist

Stephen LaFataI found this program very useful in my business emails, immediately useful and executable. The creator quickly goes through the basics and delves deeply into advanced topics that will benefit all of us.

— Stephen LaFata
Chief Compliance Officer
Alethea Capital Management

Marc SchillerI strongly recommend Email Excellence for IT groups that want to improve their professional image. The writing tools and approaches will serve you in many other contexts beyond just email and will provide your people with great personal as well as professional benefit.

— Marc J. Schiller, author of
The 11 Secrets of Highly Influential IT Leaders



About Good Documents

Eric Siegel The Good Documents Series was extremely well received by our employees. It really helped to raise awareness about how poorly written documents could jeopardize the company. Also, Salient was great to work with, allowing us to customize the modules to meet our specific needs.

— Eric H. Siegel
Chief Compliance Officer

Valli BaldassanoThe Good Documents training was universally well received by employees. You know you've provided valuable training when you hear employees discussing it and talking about putting the tools into practice. They appreciated that they weren't just told to "not write bad emails"; the course taught how to write good emails. Also, employees relate to the list of high-risk writing behaviors referred to as "The Usual Suspects." Most had seen a few of these behaviors and, after the training, became watchful of their own email behaviors, on the lookout for "The Usual Suspects."

— Valli F. Baldassano
Chief Compliance Officer
Cephalon, Inc.




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