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Challenges we address

Real solutions for today's writing challenges

Productivity in Outlook

Email processing & task management
The Inbox

The challenge

  • Your people spend 30-50 percent of each day in email, and still they can't keep up.
  • In Outlook they work inefficiently, revisiting each message multiple times without decisive action.
  • Their records are haphazard.
  • Important messages and results are frequently misplaced.

The solution:  Atrendia LeanMail

eLearning, online coaching

Transform the way you use Outlook.

What changes

  • Time savings. Employee time-in-email reduced by 30-50%.
  • Increased speed. Priorities dealt with first. No misplaced results. Records easy to retrieve.
  • Lasting change. Six months after training, 95% of employees still use the tools and methods.
  • Freeing server space. Dramatic reductions in email storage.
  • Reduced stress. Employees report dramatically lower stress and a much greater sense of control over critical results.

Next steps

Writing Effective Email

Crafting lean, results-oriented messages
Email Excellence

The challenge

  • Emails are written carelessly and in haste.
  • The topic and intent are often difficult to discern.
  • Their content is difficult to follow.
  • Email discussions involve large groups and ramble on for days.
  • Mishaps and misunderstandings abound.

The solution:  Email Excellence®


Write with greater clarity & impact.

What changes

  • Clarity & speed. Employees write faster and more clearly.They experience fewer mishaps and misunderstandings, fewer delays with critical results.
  • Accuracy. Employees produce better records.
  • Professionalism. Employees write more effectively and professionally, protecting and even enhancing your company's professional image.

Next steps

Reducing Document Risk

Preventing legal, regulatory, & PR mishaps
Document-related risk

The challenge

  • Your company is in the public eye, prone to litigation, or heavily regulated.
  • Your company's actions can be ethical and in perfect compliance with law and policy, and still, ill-considered writing or misinterpreted documents can compromise your legal defense.

Our solutions:
Good Documents
Navigating Social Media


Writing well means good decisions.

What changes

  • A "good documents" culture. Employees understand document-related risk and the importance of good records.
  • Risk avoidance. Employees become familiar with and avoid the specific writing behaviors that cause unnecessary risk.
  • Good decisions. Employees immediately recognize and can think through a sensitive situation. Employees know what to do when they receive a bad document from someone else.

Next steps

Useful links

NOW AVAILABLE:   Our training on social media risk



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